Do you long to feel that people hear, understand, and accept you – just as you are?

If so, I hope you consider joining us in a Fat and Larger Bodies Connection Group!

In a brave space, we set an intention to listen to our Fat and Larger Bodies Connection Group members with openness and curiosity. This makes those speaking feel more safe in sharing what is vulnerable to them. We speak for what is in our minds and hearts in a way that allows others to hear us. This kind of communication can bring radical change to the nature of our relationships with ourselves and others.

Co-create profound relationships and develop a deeper understanding of yourself and others. We speak for what we are aware of in ourselves in the present moment (thoughts, feelings, physcial sensations). We speak for how we feel towards others after they share. In an Fat and Larger Bodies Connection Group meeting, you often hear someone share a thought, feeling or experience and it resonates with you. Maybe you didn’t have words for your feeling or experience but you do now because someone put words to it. Your feelings are now more clear to you. As we listen to one another with openness and curiosity, we also co-create emotional intimacy.

When conflicts arise, the group supports the process of working through it together. Whether you are involved in the conflict or witness it, each member is invited to share their experience. For most, this is a new, safer, and refreshing way of addressing conflict.

While we accept others as they are, I hope you experience more acceptance of yourself as the valuable and worthy being you are!

For more information and/or to schedule a Free Consultation, please visit Choices Inside. For more information, visit Fat and Larger Bodies.

*Current and former therapy clients cannot participate in these groups with me as it would cause a dual relationship. If you are a current or former client and still interested in joining a similar kind of group, although not Fat and Larger Body specific, contact Frank D’Amato.**

**Please be aware this is not a support group or therapy group. Insurance cannot be used or submitted to for reimbursement.**