Internal Family Systems and Intimacy From the Inside Out are the types of therapeutic models I predominately use. They guide me in my personal life, as well as help me guide you towards psychological and relationship healing and personal growth.

Internal Family Systems

Internal Family Systems (IFS) is my main therapeutic approach and I am an IFS Certified Therapist. IFS has a unique way of addressing and overcoming the complexities of trauma and grief. You can experience viewing yourself and others with more compassion and less judgement. IFS trusts your inner wisdom in addressing and releasing old mindsets, such as unworthiness, loneliness, and unlovability. Self-protective behaviors often follow these beliefs. While these behaviors may have kept you safe in many ways for a long time, and might still be helpful in certain situations, they may not be serving you in the way you’d like or in your relationships. Old beliefs can be replaced with new ones. You can shift the way you see yourself and others when you connect with your built-in resources like Calmness, Curiosity, Confidence, and Compassion. As healing occurs, many begin to live less from a self-protective place and more true to themselves. I have been a Program Assistant at IFS trainings and provide consultation to other professionals.

Couples Therapy

Intimacy From the Inside Out (IFIO) uses Internal Family Systems with couples and interpersonal relationships. Together, we identify and explore a pattern in your relationship that causes conflict or stress. Come to understand yourself and your partner better in the context of that pattern. Then we shift the pattern into what feels more manageable so you can successfully have challenging conversations on your own. I am honored to be an IFIO Staff member and offer consultation to IFIO professionals.

“Intimacy doesn’t require sameness: it requires curiousity about difference and awareness of how complementarity creates possibility.”  – Alexandra Solomon

Body Based Therapies

Transforming the Experienced-Based Brain

While I no longer offer Transforming Touch®, I implement much of what I learned, such as case conceptualization and psychoeducation.

Transforming the Experienced-Based Brain (TEB) is a Regulation Based Modality. The modality is based on the theory that when we experience ruptures during our early developmental years, the ruptures continue to disrupt our lives at any age. This disruption can be seen as behavioral challenges, psychological challenges, spiritual challenges, and physical challenges.

Transforming Touch® Practitioners create a safe place for you to experience healing through a lens of safety, presence, and regulation. We understand that your body already knows how to heal itself if allowed more safety and needing less survival energy. Transforming Touch® Practitioners do not rely on pathology to label or understand our clients. We lean into the idea that your body is capable of creating new neural pathways in your brain that allow for less stress/anxiety and more ability to learn, relate, and heal. I have been a Transforming Touch® Practitioner since 2019.

Somatic Experiencing

Somatic Experiencing (SE) focuses on your body’s innate desire and ability to heal, build capacity to move through anxieties and fears and also resolve traumas. I have two modules of SE training.

No therapy or mental health professional can guarantee outcomes, change, or reduction of symptoms, because results differ for each individual. I encourage regular discussion of the effectiveness of your therapy.